Sturgeon meat
Erste deutsche Kaviarmanufaktur
kaviar, kaviamanufaktur, desietra, verpackungen, storfleisch, filet, beluga, sevruga, stör
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Sturgeon meat

Over several million years, the sturgeon successfully adapted to changing environmental conditions. Even to the breeding in aquacultures it could adapt. Besides the excellent tasting, real caviar, the tasty meat of the sturgeon is widely unknown. The meat of the primitive cartilaginous fish is by nature without bones. With its firm structure as well as its extraordinary taste, it is unique that cannot be compared to that of other fish. The color of the meat is special. Depending on the species, it ranges from slightly yellowish to grayish to white. Whether grilled or baked in the oven, sturgeon meat is a highlight on the plates of your guests. The variant of a whole sturgeon prepared in a smoker, with fins and head, is a special eye-catcher on every buffet. Our offer includes sturgeon fillet with and without skin or even whole sturgeons for special occasions.